Category: News

Championing Oral Health for Older Adults
Deb Jacobi, Policy Director for Apple Tree Dental, was an invited guest commentator for the Eldercare Voices section of Health Innovation Highlights. Click here to read the full article:   Championing Oral Health for Older Adults
August 11, 2017
Silver Diamine Fluoride demonstration by Dr. Ryan Quock
Dr. Ryan Quock from the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston visited our Apple Tree Dental Mounds View Center for Dental Health on August 2. UTHSC is a pioneer in the use of Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF) and Dr. Quock gave a lecture at 3M in the morning on SDF, followed up a […]
August 4, 2017
Apple Tree Dental California and the Peninsula Health Care District Announce a Leadership Change
Peninsula Health Care District and Apple Tree Dental are proud to announce a leadership change to local management of the Center for Dental Health. Apple Tree Dental California, which operates two dental clinics in San Mateo County, is announcing a leadership transition, with local leaders from the Peninsula Health Care District and Half Moon Bay now leading the organization. […]
August 2, 2017
A very sincere thanks to America’s ToothFairy/National Children’s Oral Health Foundation
America's Toothfairy awarded $5,000 to Apple Tree Dental Mounds View Center for Dental Health to expand services for children through outreach efforts to local pediatricians and dentists and to help cover the cost training of our two new AEGD Residents, who will expand access to care to children ages 0 to 18 years. They have been […]
July 18, 2017
Grateful for the 2017 OMS Specialists Golf Tournament Donation
Many thanks to all of the wonderful dentists who made contributions for Apple Tree Dental through the annual 2017 OMS Specialists Golf Tournament. Dr. Dietrich Lawrenz (left) and Dr. Kirby Johnson (right), both of OMS Specialists, presented Dr. Michael Helgeson (Center), CEO of Apple Tree, a very generous donation from the tournament. This funding will […]
July 3, 2017
Help Your Community Smile: Start or Enhance an Oral Health Program for Older Adults
Apple Tree is excited to share the announcement from the federal government of a new website designed to help communities across the country create oral health programs for older adults. Access to care for older adults is growing problem and many communities have few, if any programs designed to meet their needs. For the last two […]
June 14, 2017
“Being able to cover costs is more and more challenging,” said dentist and chief executive officer, Michael Helgeson.
Photo: Mark Meyer II, 6, of Blue Earth, laid back in his chair at Apple Tree's Madelia Center as advanced dental therapist Jodi Hager, left, and dental assistants Jesse Anderson, center, and Julie Nelson, right, prepared to fill a cavity Minnesota covers dental care in its biggest health insurance program for the poor, but hundreds […]
April 7, 2017
Apple Tree Dental of California names Bonnie Jue, DDS, California Operating Officer
“I am proud to lead Apple Tree Dental of California, serving the San Mateo County community and providing excellent dental care for everyone, including those who face barriers to care,” Dr. Bonnie Jue said. “We provide accessible and high-quality dental care across the lifespan and we believe that good dental health should start very early […]
April 5, 2017
Apple Tree was selected as a best practice for oral health for older adults!
Hopefully we may serve as a valuable resource for other organizations looking to implement new programs or to enhance an existing program. Find more information on the ASTDD website.
March 27, 2017
Apple Tree & Little Falls CHI St. Gabriel's Health collaborate to improve oral health access
State Rep. Erin Murphy visited Apple Tree Dental new Outreach Clinic in Little Falls. Murphy, who sits on the state Health and Human Services Reform committee, was interested in seeing Apple Tree Dental’s new location on the CHI St. Gabriel’s Health campus to learn about their collaborative efforts to integrate oral health into primary care. Read the full Morrison […]
March 21, 2017
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