Sedation Dentistry

Quality, Certified Care

Apple Tree Dental’s sedation teams and facilities are certified by the Board of Dentistry and we offer a variety of treatments and techniques to keep you relaxed and comfortable during your appointments at our Centers. Sedation dentistry is great for patients who are anxious or who have special needs. Talk to your dentist to find out if you’re a candidate for sedation dentistry and which option is right for you.

Want to refer a patient to Apple Tree for sedation?  Download our referral form.

sedation suites
happy patient

Nitrous-Oxide Relaxation

Nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas, is a form of conscious sedation often used to help reduce anxiety in our patients. Nitrous oxide is safe for both children and adults.

patient in lift

Oral Conscious Sedation

Oral conscious sedation is a safe, effective option to help calm those with mild to moderate dental anxiety. It is also a good option for patients who would like to complete their dental treatment in fewer, longer appointments.

IV Sedation

IV Sedation is used for patients who have more severe dental anxiety, special needs, or require a more precise administration of medication due to health issues. The medication used has an amnesia effect so that patients often don't remember anything about their appointments. Because this is Conscious Sedation (not General Anesthesia), patients are still able to respond, but may sleep off and on throughout their appointment. Conscious Sedation patients do need to have someone bring them to and from their appointment and stay with them for the remainder of the day.


Pediatric Sedation Options

Our Mounds View Center offers General Anesthesia and conscious sedation for children in cases where extensive restorative work is needed or when necessary for patients to tolerate certain procedures.

Our Board-certified Pediatric Specialists, Dr. Cook and Dr. Knutson, work with a Pediatric Anesthesiologist to provide General Anesthesia at the Mounds View Center.

For children who need to be seen in a hospital setting due to complex medical conditions, we partner with a nearby hospital where our Pediatric Specialists can provide surgical services in an operating room.

Learn more about Pediatric Dentistry services at our Mounds View Center.

Our priority is comfortable and safe care for all patients.


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Mounds View Center
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Mounds View Center
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