
Case Study: Addresses Tobacco Use Within a Safety-Net Dental Practice
Apple Tree was supported by ClearWay MN grant funds to implement health systems changes to improve our ability to address patients' tobacco use. Read this Case Study for more information! Click here to see the 2017 Tobacco Cessation Case Study for this Tobacco Cessation Program.   *The public dissemination of information relating to the grant was made possible […]
December 11, 2017
Little Falls Outreach Clinic serving the residents of Morrison County
Apple Tree's Connie Karjalahti, Advanced Dental Therapist, talks about the important work being done in Little Falls to help provide dental services to Morrison County residents. Click here to watch the video created by South County Health Alliance. (Connie appears at time marker 10:10!)
December 7, 2017
Fergus Falls Center Focuses on Early Childhood Dental
Apple Tree's Fergus Falls Center has partnered for several years with the West Central Initiative's (WCI) Early Childhood Dental Network to expand our services for children in Otter Tail County. Dr. Ruth Peterka, along with other Fergus Falls Center team members, has played a major role in providing this care. See Dr. Peterka featured in […]
December 5, 2017
Integrating dental care into primary care in Little Falls
In January 2017, Family Medical Center (FMC) teamed up with Apple Tree Dental on a Minnesota Department of Health (MOH) grant to improve access to oral health care and integrate oral health assessment, prevention, and referral into patient visits at FMC, which is part of CHI St. Gabriel's Health. Read the full story Integrating dental care into primary care
November 15, 2017
Oral Health 2020 Network
Recently, Deborah Jacobi, Apple Tree Dental's Policy Director and Monisha Washington of the SouthSide Community Health Centers, represented the Minnesota oral health community at the ‘A Unified Voice: Messaging to Mobilizing' Oral Health 2020 national meeting in Atlanta to plan, gather new ideas for oral health education, and network with other states. Check out this great new movement
November 10, 2017
Give to the Max Day is November 16th
We hope you will consider giving a donation to Apple Tree Dental on this most generous giving-day of the year! No Need to Wait! Make your donation any time before midnight on Thursday, November 16th at Give to the Max Day. Your contribution is a much-needed gift for the thousands of Minnesotans who struggle to […]
November 7, 2017
San Mateo County Centers are now managed by Sonrisas Dental Health
The transition to local leadership of the San Mateo and Sonrisas Centers, that began this August, is now complete.  Beginning on November 1st, 2017, the San Mateo and Sonrisas Centers for Dental Health are being managed locally under the name of Sonrisas Dental Health, and are no longer affiliated with Apple Tree Dental.  Both Centers will […]
November 1, 2017
The National Eldercare Advisory Committee’s members teamed up to create the Long-Term Care Toolkit
The toolkit has been posted online at:  It is found easily on the ADA’s Action for Dental Health page on the left hand navigation bar:
October 2, 2017
Dental Therapists bring care to more people
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]A recent case study shows the role that an advanced dental therapist played in stabilizing the oral health of long-term care residents. Click here to read the case study. (PDF)   [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]
September 15, 2017
Apple Tree Dental Hawley Center for Dental Health Receives $5,000 in Support from the FM Area Foundation
When our Hawley Center for Dental Health first opened in 1997, the FM Area Foundation helped Apple Tree overcome several startup challenges. Today, after 20 years and hundreds of thousands of dental visits, the FM Area Foundation is once again stepping forward to provide support to help us overcome several current workforce challenges. Read the […]
August 31, 2017
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