Tag: medicare

More Than 80% of Voters Support Adding Dental Benefits to Medicare
New data from a Politico poll suggests that a large majority of voters are hopeful for Medicare dental, vision, and hearing benefits, regardless of whether they identify as Democrat or Republican.  That information is just one part of an effort to determine favor and opposition to a number of recent policy pushes in the United […]
July 14, 2021
Apple Tree Dental and West Health Collaborate on Peer-Reviewed Study on Dental Care for Older Adults
In May 2020, peer-reviewed scientific journal PLOS One published a research article studying the cost and dental utilization patterns for older adults in outpatient and long-term care settings in Minnesota.  Apple Tree Dental's own Dr. Barbara J. Smith (co-founder and current Board member), Dr. Michael J. Helgeson (co-founder and current CEO) and Brenda Prosa (Information […]
June 3, 2020
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