Month: March 2017

Apple Tree was selected as a best practice for oral health for older adults!
Hopefully we may serve as a valuable resource for other organizations looking to implement new programs or to enhance an existing program. Find more information on the ASTDD website.
March 27, 2017
Apple Tree & Little Falls CHI St. Gabriel's Health collaborate to improve oral health access
State Rep. Erin Murphy visited Apple Tree Dental new Outreach Clinic in Little Falls. Murphy, who sits on the state Health and Human Services Reform committee, was interested in seeing Apple Tree Dental’s new location on the CHI St. Gabriel’s Health campus to learn about their collaborative efforts to integrate oral health into primary care. Read the full Morrison […]
March 21, 2017
Help MN Smile helps create public awareness of access to dental issues.
Dr. Michael Helgeson, Co-Founder and CEO of Apple Tree Dental, was interviewed by guest host Kurt Zellers, former Speaker of the Minnesota House of Representatives, on KNSI-AM about Minnesota’s dental access crisis and the Help Minnesota Smile campaign being led by the Minnesota Dental Association. Listen to Dr. Helgeson's radio interview and read the Detroit […]
March 16, 2017
Apple Tree Dental California received $500,000 Peninsula Health Care District grant
Apple Tree Dental California, a non-profit dental provider with dental centers in both San Mateo and Half Moon Bay, California, is pleased to announce that it has received a $500,000 grant from the Peninsula Health Care District’s Community Grants Program. This grant will support Apple Tree’s mission to provide high quality, affordable oral health care […]
March 6, 2017
Minnesota dentists say the state is facing a worst-in-the-nation dental crisis.
Apple Tree along with legislators, advocates, and the Minnesota Dental Association, renewed an effort to raise awareness of Minnesota’s dental access crisis and the state’s worst-in-the-nation status when it comes to funding pediatric dental services. "That's just not right in Minnesota. Vulnerable children, vulnerable adults — people should not have festering infections in their mouths," […]
March 3, 2017
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