Verny Martinez, ADT, graduated from the University of Minnesota School of Dentistry with a Master of Science degree in Dental Therapy. Prior to becoming a Dental Therapist, Verny worked for the United States Army, serving as both a dental assistant and dental hygienist for eight years. She was able to provide dental care to diverse populations, including various communities during a deployment to Iraq and a humanitarian mission in Nicaragua. Her experience with underserved populations motivated her to obtain a Master of Science in Public Health.

As a unique addition to the dental team, Verny hopes to increase access to oral health care. She is currently involved with the community through Ready, Set, Smile, a nonprofit dental program founded by ADT Dental. In her spare time, Verny enjoys spending time with family and friends, as well as traveling to popular tourist attractions. She has been to 25 of the 50 U.S. states, and has traveled internationally to 15 different countries.


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